AI: Appalachian Intelligence

MFTIC: Ancient Stone Structures, Forgotten Petroglyphs, and The Hidden American Underground

Episode 101

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Merry Christmas Hillfolk! Your hosts have been taking this holiday season to spend time with their families, but we didn't want to go more than two weeks without giving you some content. Since several of you have asked about our adventures with the rediscovered rock carvings, and the Swift Silver Mine, and seeing as our good friend Mark Steeves over at My Family Thinks I'm Crazy Podcast gave us his blessing, we are re-releasing our first episode with him, in which we go into full detail of our Indiana Jonesesque mystery. May you all have a blessed Christmas and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.

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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad Hill

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