AI: Appalachian Intelligence
Hello folks and welcome to Appalachian Intelligence. Come join Justin, Ryan, Lance, and guests as they dive deep into the wide, weird, world of the paranormal, cryptids, conspiracy, and altered history. With a plethora of topics covered and soon to be covered, join us as we investigate the high strangeness in the world around us. So, come and visit us in Appalachia, where the stories are as old as the mountains.
AI: Appalachian Intelligence
New Year, Same AI: Mimics, Clairvoyance, and The Alien Agenda
Happy New Year Hillfolk! Y'all made 2023 a blast and we're looking forward to a great 2024! In this edition we begin the new year with Lance sharing some weird experiences he's had recently. We dive into the topics of a sixth sense or clairvoyance, and the alien agenda and what's going on with all these weird alien encounters.
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Intro Music - The Colonel - Zachariah Hickman
Outro Music - Dark Dream - Brad Hill